Add a picture to your wordpress blog

I’ve been asked by a couple of people how to add a picture to their blog, here’s what I told them…

There is lots of information about why and how to include images in your posts and a great place to start reading is Lorelle on WordPress

This post is a few simple steps to get you started, I don’t want to reinvent the wheel here, you will find many more detailed instructions here and elsewhere on the web.

One more thing, these instructions are for simple images to help illustrate the point you are making in your post.  Artists using their blog to display their work will want to do more research on how best to optimise and display their photos.

If you’ve taken a really nice photo on your super duper high resolution digital camera you will need to reduce its size before you can upload it to your blog.  There are numerous tools both online and off you can use to achieve this including many that come with your computers operating system.  Look for the imaging or picture manipulation tools you have on your computer and once you have your picture open in it, look for an option to export or if you can’t find that save as.  Try web small or web medium first, see if it meets your needs – if not adjust your settings.

Once you have exported your image to a location you can easily find then;

1. Position your cursor at the point in your post you want the image to appear and click the small square box next to upload/insert

2. Click browse, and navigate to the location of your image, then click upload

3. Scroll down and enter values into the fields you wish.  Most are self explanatory, there is a description of Alternate Text on Wikipedia.  If you have saved your image as web small, you can set the size to Full Size(a) (see diagram below).  Leaving the link field(b) at the default will let your visitors click on the image (generally to view it full size), You can leave this field empty or enter a link to another page on the web.  Alignment(c) affects the wrapping of the text around your image.  Finally -when you are happy with the settings- click on Insert into Post (d).

If the image is not quite right you can change the settings by clicking on it and then on the little lanscape picture.  To remove the image click on the image and then on the circle with a line through it.

There are absolute basics – if you need it you will find lots more info out there in on the web, click here.

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